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Recycle Home Plastics and Earn upto 18/Kg

 June 07,2021 , 05:03 PM
Short Description   :
"The government-run Clean Kerala Company has set a base price for 20 types of non-organic waste such as recyclable or recyclable plastic items, covers and bottles."
Detailed Description   :

The government-run Clean Kerala Company has set a base price for 20 types of non-organic waste such as recyclable or recyclable plastic items, covers and bottles. The price was set to reward the more than 30,000 Green Task Force members in the state who collect and deliver these. Reusable plastic can fetch up to Rs 18 per kg.Used milk covers cost Rs 12 per kg and plastic liquor bottles Rs 12 per kg. You will get one rupee for each glass bottle.

This is the first time a government agency has set a floor price for inorganic waste. There is a special price for waste and non-binding waste. Green Task Force members will take the non-hazardous and clean organic waste segregated from households and institutions to the Material Collection Facility (MCF) under the Local Bodies. Clean Kerala Company will buy these and sell them to various agencies for reuse.

Remuneration will be handed over on the 26th of this month on the basis of quantity and type of inorganic waste collected by the company from October to December last year from 597 panchayats and 60 municipalities including three corporations. The entire amount transferred to the local bodies is for the Green Task Force members.

The price of major waste (in kilograms) is categorized into stacked and non-stacked.

Thick plastic - Rs 18 / Rs 6
Pet Boat 15/12
Plastic liquor bottle 12/10
Milk cover 12/10
Old Newspapers 8/6
Cardboard 4/3
Non woven bags 5/3
Like BB (Mix Paper) Bags 5/4
Polypropylene containers for storing food 15/10